Minutes of Meeting: NISM/II

Written by Yusuf on
Minutes of Meeting: NISM/II

Collaborative Learning Discussion 2: Scanning Exercise

a. Need to post the practical and team activity from Unit 3 b. We have some results from individuals posted on Slack c. We can summarize all these results and post in Collaborative Discussion 2 as a team d. Yusuf agreed to summarize and post the results

Design Document Preparation

a. During the call, we have decided our Design document will base on the methodology of OWASP and then combine with the second methodology (to be decided from OSSTMM, NIST, PTES, and ISSAF) b. Review the website https://www.vumetric.com/blog/top-penetration-testing-methodologies/ and complete the evaluation of our assigned methodology. • OSSTMM - Yvone • NIST - Brandon • PTES - Tony • ISSAF - Yusuf

Next action

  1. Book a session with the tutor as a team (the schedule depends on our progress on 1.b Design Document Preparation)
  2. Submit the first assignment by week 6


During the meeting, we have reviewed the requirements and criteria together regarding the first assignment Design Document

  1. We need to identify the appropriate governing body and associated regulations that apply to our assigned site
  2. Regarding the requirement “Create a list of possible security vulnerabilities”, we can refer to the checklist from OWASP’s open resource ( https://essexuniversity-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/lt21751_essex_ac_uk/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B3F13AC7F-12AF-414F-9F4A-1390DA278755%7D&file=OWASPv4_Checklist.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true)


My world spins around data and games. Currently helping an eSport team to sit on the SEA throne through data and a master student.


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