Written by Yusuf on

Another alternatives for SQL to store data is the NoSQL technology, for example is MongoDB. NoSQL technology is unlike SQL, it stores data as a non-tabular objects (MongoDB, n.d.). Thus, most of NoSQL software are non-relational databases. NoSQL targeted audience are developers rather than data units such as data engineers or data analysts, which their responsibilities are mainly around data warehouses, a relational form of database.

What makes MongoDB is favorable among the developers can be seen from its characteristics. It enables the flexibility of the schema, an easier scaling technique, and it supports both structured and unstructured data. Despite its advantages, there are also disadvantages that MongoDB brings when it is not being used properly.

In my own experience, MongoDB lacks the governance of the data. Rather than flexibility of the schema, I’d say it no schema at all because any kind of data, even if it’s in a form that is totally different with the majority of the data inside it, MongoDB will still accept and store the data. Without proper schema definitions, it is easy for the data warehouse to turn into a data dump.


  • MongoDB. (n.d.). What Is NoSQL? NoSQL Databases Explained. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from


My world spins around data and games. Currently helping an eSport team to sit on the SEA throne through data and a master student.


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