Implementing Class Diagram with Python

Previously, I wrote a post about how to create a Class diagram from a given scenario. In summary, to design a class diagram is to understand the scenario wholly and...


Another alternatives for SQL to store data is the NoSQL technology, for example is MongoDB. NoSQL technology is unlike SQL, it stores data as a non-tabular objects (MongoDB, n.d.). Thus,...

Designing Class Diagram for Self-Service Checkout System with Object-Oriented Design

In one assignment, I have to design a Class diagram with a scenario of a self-service checkout system for a supermarket. But before we jumped into creating the diagram, it...

2021 Bitcoin's Flash Crash

Despite being praised for its use of blockchain technology, a technology that offers the integrity of information (Sarker et al., 2021), Bitcoin (BTC) is still prone to error and faulty....

Lorem Markdownmus

Lorem markdownum mirantem. Ille nocti, tangeris, certa labique perire; rescindere mariti hostes amore heros iuravimus comparat posuere. Quam accepere verbis; in reddere leto maius ante irata, ad nec Iovis belua,...