Collaborative Discussion 2: Abi’s Case of Whizzz

Written by Yusuf on
Collaborative Discussion 2: Abi’s Case of Whizzz

Clearly, if Abi changed data values in this study he would be acting unethically. But is it any more ethical for him to suggest analysing correct data in a way that supports two or more different conclusions?

Research should be beneficence, non-maleficence, and veracity (The Council’s Research and Intelligence Team, n.d.). Abi found that the Whizzz product is harmful but trying to find another perspective that will help the company to keep on delivering the product to market. It is like trying to ease the danger it has in people’s minds. Although it is unclear how harmful the product is – e.g. can cause death, but is better to think the worst and for Abi to stop the product.

It is also one of the codes of conduct of the British Computer Society (BCS). Although it is coming from a computer society trustee, but I think it can also be applied to outside of BCS. In point 1.a., BCS stated that we should keep public health as a priority. Moreover, in point 3.d., Abi should not do anything that will give him personal gain or benefit another party (BCS, 2022).

Is Abi obligated to present both the positive and the negative analyses?

Yes. Abi needs to be honest about his report. Including steps he took, his data, and his results. Abi should not do anything that is considered as trying to mislead.

Is Abi responsible for the use to which others put his program results?

If Abi did his research properly (objective, research design, etc.) and report it and its findings honestly, I think he is not responsible. Unless he reports only the positive results but not the negative as well or extrapolates, then he is responsible.

If Abi does put forward both sets of results to the manufacturer, he suspects that they will publicise only the positive ones. What other courses of action has he?

He should take legal actions if he finds that the company is misusing his research. But sometimes the government takes time to act, and since the product is harmful, probably there will be victims if we only wait for the government to act.

I think the first thing that he can do is spread awareness. He can try to warn the public using social media. This might as well make this case go viral. Nowadays, there are lots of examples of cases being investigated after they went viral. In addition, this also makes Abi gains public support. It will make him in a better position when trying to stop a bigger entity than him (the company).

In the BCS Code of Conduct (BCS, 2022), related to integrity in point 2.f. and 2.g. also stated that Abi should not take no action.


BCS, 2022. Code of Conduct for BCS Members. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2022].

The Council’s Research and Intelligence Team, n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2022].



My world spins around data and games. Currently helping an eSport team to sit on the SEA throne through data and a master student.


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