RPMM Literature Review Outline

Written by Yusuf on
RPMM Literature Review Outline

Digital Marketing of Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Jakarta

What is the focus and aim of your review? Who is your audience?

The audience will be the government and SMEs. The aim is to find out which digital marketing strategy best fits SMEs.

Why is there a need for your review? Why is it significant?

As one of the economic movers of Indonesia, building, developing and maintaining SMEs are crucial for the country’s strategic plan for economic growth (Tirta & Sarli, 2021). Nowadays, consumer behaviours have been shifting since the Covid-19 pandemic hit. This force businesses to change how they do business. But unlike big enterprises, small and medium enterprises are facing various challenges.

Indonesia is a developing country, its population is having low digital literacy despite improvements (Harsono, 2022). Unlike its neighbouring country, the government of Indonesia is not serious about developing digital talent to contribute to building its digital ecosystem. From my personal experience, it is no more a secret that a lot of positions in the government are filled with people with low digital literacy as well. With that kind of situation, I am willing to take up this research to help Jakarta’s SMEs to become more competitive.

How did you locate and select sources for inclusion in the review?

  1. Journals (Online)
  2. Focus group discussion
  3. Surveys


Harsono, N., 2022. Despite improvements, Indonesia’s digital literacy remains low. [Online] Available at: https://www.thejakartapost.com/business/2022/01/20/despite-improvements-indonesias-digital-literacy-remains-low.html [Accessed 17 October 2022].

Tirta, A. & Sarli, P. W., 2021. Indonesia’s SMEs hold the key to growth. How can they scale up?. [Online] Available at: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/09/how-can-indonesian-smes-scale-up/ [Accessed 17 October 2022].

Feedbacks from Instructor

From: Karen Outram

You have stated that the Government and SME’s will be the focus of the Literature Review. There is no real expansion on what you mean by the government as part of the Literature Review discussion; just bear in mind that the government is a very large organisations in any country, and so I am highlighting this as a government does not fit the small and medium business enterprise genre that the title suggests. And so you would have to be very careful how you implement this discussion to ensure it does not sit outside of the actual title research boundaries you have chosen.



My world spins around data and games. Currently helping an eSport team to sit on the SEA throne through data and a master student.


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